
How Can Landlords Adapt to Changing Regulations?  

UK regulations are constantly changing and with the new Renters Reforms underway, now more than ever is it essential landlords take a proactive approach and here is how:

Stay up to date - Ensure you are keeping informed with the latest regulations and changes in the rental market. This can be via your local authorities, the news, the government website or even landlord associations or online forums.

Find a letting agent - Consult a reputable letting agent who will guide you through the legal requirements and help you arrange necessary safety checks to ensure you are compliant.

Reassess your tenancy agreement - Check whether or not your existing tenancy agreement needs updating to ensure it complies with new legislation.

Keep in touch with your tenant - Ensure an open line of communication with your tenant is maintained and that any issues reported are dealt with quickly and efficiently to avoid disputes further down the line.