
Management Takeovers Explained  

Are you a landlord that is unhappy with your current Letting Agent? If you are looking to move to SJM Properties, we want to make it as easy and pain-free as possible! With NO TAKEOVER FEES, the process involves only three simple steps to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any potential legal or financial issues with your current agent as below:

Review Your Contract  

Your contract with the current letting agent will have a notice period. This specifies the length of time you need to give before ending the agreement and is typically up to three months or if your tenant is on a fixed term contract, it will likely be until the end of their fixed term.

You should also keep an eye out for any specific clauses related to terminating the agreement, such as fees or conditions. Some contracts may enforce exit fees or penalties for terminating the contract early.

Give Notice  

Provide formal, written notice (suggested via email so you can keep a record) to your current agent, stating your intention to terminate the contract and provide precise details of the termination date. Permissions will need to be granted from you for your old agent to now communicate directly with your new agent.


We can take it from there so let us manage the handover process and sit back and relax knowing you have nothing to worry about. We can collect the keys, arrange the deposit transfer and inform your tenants – and we will keep you updated every step of the way!

Just give us an email on Info@sjmpropertiessw.com or call on 01823 740056 to get the process going!